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Here's how you know

Using your health insurance coverage

Getting emergency care

In an emergency, you should get care from the closest hospital that can help you. That hospital will treat you regardless of whether you have insurance. Your insurance company can't charge you more for getting emergency room services at an out-of-network hospital.

Iā€™m having an emergency. Should I go straight to the hospital or do I need to call my insurer first?

In a true emergency, go straight to the hospital. Insurers canā€™t require you to get prior approval before getting emergency room services from a provider or hospital outside your planā€™s network.

What does it mean that insurance companies canā€™t charge me more?

Insurance plans canā€™t make you pay more in
if you get emergency care from an out-of-network hospital. They also canā€™t require you to get prior approval before getting emergency room services from a provider or hospital outside your planā€™s network.

Will I have to pay anything?

This depends on the plan that you chose and the hospital you go to. This care may be subject to a deductible, for example, or a hospital may have particular rules in place.